Friday, August 15, 2008

see you in september

i've had a hard time getting it up for the blog lately as i'm just trying to get through life. i've been busy. doing things. taking many adventures (all captured on film by the fabulous boy). but i haven't been able to make time for this space lately. b/c really it's about making time. thinking of something to write. remembering a moment as a blog post. i could tell you stories. oh, i could tell you stories from the last few months. so many things have happened. i hurt myself quite badly last weekend - that's a story. an ex got married. his ex's appearance. my family's coming to visit. i've seen more of OR in the last 3 months than i'd seen in the entire 3 years i've lived here. i have wonderful new people in my life. an old friend came to visit. so many stories. but none experienced with the blog in mind. i'm hoarding them for me.

i'm taking a life vacation for the next two weeks. spending one whole week exploring the southern oregon coast with the boy. and then enjoying summer here in the city.

hoping that the time away from work and obligations will somehow reinvigorate me to write on this blog. i've loved it for so long, it's been such a great outlet for me.

hopefully the writing will return when i return. see you in september.

Friday, August 01, 2008

the saddest face

dear sad face,

um, dude. it was her birthday. any chance you could've mustered up a smile or something?

i mean we'd never met before and hopefully we'll never meet again. and i realize that maybe your features are part of the reason for your sorrowful look. but seriously, we were out celebrating! i spent most of the time wanting to punch you b/c you just looked so lame and sad.

now maybe you could blame it on the poor service we received at that restaurant. i mean, it WAS a total disaster. but i was just mostly mad, definitely not sad and neither was any of the other 20 friends sitting at the table.

sad man, i already decided that i don't like you. if i met you on a playground and i was still 10, i'd probably trip you.

so hoping to never see you again,

the link

ps - i think your wife is kind of whiney.

fat girl, little pants

i knew i'd put on a couple pounds since the boy and i started hanging around. what can i say, we both love beer. but, it's never a good sign when you slip into your favorite work pants only to discover that they're a little tight in the thighs. and you spend your entire crazy, stressful event hoping that the lining doesn't rip.

time to quit eating (cuz i'm not giving up beer...)

just what you wanted to hear as an update.