Thursday, October 23, 2008

nope, not stressed at all

wanna know how i know? b/c i just went to the bathroom to pee and looked down at my underwear only to realize they were on backwards. yep, i've been wearing them backwards since 6:30 this morning.

clearly my head is in a great place (not!).

side note, i'm going missing again. it's time for my crazy work travel schedule where i will be flitting around the US and the world until early december.

see you later alligator.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

why i love working in cubeland

i just printed out some items to take to a meeting that i have in a few minutes. when i walked over to the printer to pick them up, the printer was not working b/c it was jammed.

fear not. one of my trusty co-workers had printed out instructions on how to fix the problem with the printer (from another printer i can only assume), then found some tape and taped them to the inoperable printer. my co-worker did not, however, fix said printer with said instructions.

really?! really. you took the time to print out instructions on how to fix and managed to find tape to print them to the printer but you didn't actually fix it? c'mon.

note: i chose not to fix the printer either. i will always fix the printer/ copier when i break it, but i am above this nonsense.

instead i'm telling the innernets.

must be skimping

i literally just looked at my elbows (no idea why i was looking at my elbows other than an excuse not to work for a few mins) and on both arms elephant elbows!

i've never had elephant elbows in my life! ever! and i'm from CO, the driest place on earth. i now i live in pdx where it rains 98% of the time - i can't even keep my hair straight, how can i have elephant elbows?!

have i been missing this spot with lotion for the last 47 months?! that's pretty much the only explanation.

side note: there is zero exaggeration in this post. and also zero sarcasm. but seriously?! elephant elbows?!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

now i know...

  • that if told the only way i can go to sit down in my seat AND have a beer, i will put a lid on my beer and drink it through a straw. i will also hate every minute of it and feel like a plastic cup ruined my $5+ beer.
  • that if i accidentally run into my ex (who incidentally asked me to never speak to him again) and his new wife, i will pretend i did not see them both to protect my new beau from the awkwardness and as a mature way of dealing with the above never speaking.
  • if an experience seems to be truly amazing the first time you experience it, it might be best to just let that ride and not try to recreate
  • donning an apron and cooking dinner for the boy, plus putting together a little leftover set-up for his lunch the next day will not insult the feminist side of me, but instead make me feel sexy
  • cleaning gutters on a saturday, in a raincoat and an oversized tee will bring lots of giggles and an unexpected closeness
  • the words "you do more for me than you even know..." can give me butterflies in my stomach.

now i know.