Tuesday, October 07, 2008

now i know...

  • that if told the only way i can go to sit down in my seat AND have a beer, i will put a lid on my beer and drink it through a straw. i will also hate every minute of it and feel like a plastic cup ruined my $5+ beer.
  • that if i accidentally run into my ex (who incidentally asked me to never speak to him again) and his new wife, i will pretend i did not see them both to protect my new beau from the awkwardness and as a mature way of dealing with the above never speaking.
  • if an experience seems to be truly amazing the first time you experience it, it might be best to just let that ride and not try to recreate
  • donning an apron and cooking dinner for the boy, plus putting together a little leftover set-up for his lunch the next day will not insult the feminist side of me, but instead make me feel sexy
  • cleaning gutters on a saturday, in a raincoat and an oversized tee will bring lots of giggles and an unexpected closeness
  • the words "you do more for me than you even know..." can give me butterflies in my stomach.

now i know.

1 comment:

little ms. notetaker said...

Oooh, I have butterflies just from reading this. You are awesome! Love you!