Friday, August 01, 2008

the saddest face

dear sad face,

um, dude. it was her birthday. any chance you could've mustered up a smile or something?

i mean we'd never met before and hopefully we'll never meet again. and i realize that maybe your features are part of the reason for your sorrowful look. but seriously, we were out celebrating! i spent most of the time wanting to punch you b/c you just looked so lame and sad.

now maybe you could blame it on the poor service we received at that restaurant. i mean, it WAS a total disaster. but i was just mostly mad, definitely not sad and neither was any of the other 20 friends sitting at the table.

sad man, i already decided that i don't like you. if i met you on a playground and i was still 10, i'd probably trip you.

so hoping to never see you again,

the link

ps - i think your wife is kind of whiney.

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