Saturday, March 10, 2007

guess i'm older than i thought

yesterday on my plane ride down to san diego (yep, you guessed it, i'm out of town AGAIN!) i read a fascinating (read: ridiculous) article on the disappearance of hollywood's underwear. hopefully, all of you have actually had your television on or looked on your computer or maybe checked out people magazine in the last six months and you're aware of the increasingly frequent spotting of hollywood's naked bits.

things i learned from the article:
  • everyone's doing it - they had quotes from seemingly half of hollywood
  • you need to be perfectly groomed "not one hair out of place" to do it with a body skimming gown
  • it's better than the whale tail, but may cause problems with tight jeans
  • only women over 40 are still wearing underwear - which i guess means that i'm so square it's hard for me to get out of a box.

the key quote? "if you want to up the ante, lose the panty"

b/c seriously this is where we're at and also possibly what this blog has become.


Anonymous said...

This post requires a soundtrack. May I suggest "Love Seranade" by Barry White. Best line: "Take off your braziere, my dear. I don't wanna see no panties."

I'm disturbed by this trend. I'd just moved on from my granny panties a few years ago and now I'm supposed to go commando? I think not. Color me too old,as well.--Camille

Unknown said...

so glad you're back!!!