Tuesday, October 02, 2007

no excuses

a guy i dated and i once had a conversation about time management. the gist of the conversation revolved around the limited amount of time we had together and why we consistently met up more in the late night time frame as a opposed to the more after-work time frame. we both sort of realized that it was difficult to get together earlier than that if we wanted to maintain some semblance of our pre-each other lives. i believe his exact words may have been "you know how it goes, you leave work and try to go to they gym and get home and cook some dinner and throw in a load of laundry and suddenly it's 9PM."

at the time these words were a little frustrating for me b/c i'd been working to alter my schedule slightly to make more room in my life for him, but these days i'm definitely back in that mode.

in the last week or so, i've noticed that i have not once eaten dinner before 8:30PM. by the time i leave work and fight traffic, get a decent work-out in at the gym, and drive home it's usually creeping up on 8 o'clock. then i snarf down some meal, do some after hours personal emailing and maybe catch up on my netflix. i need to be getting to sleep by 10:30, but haven't been crawling into bed before 11. it makes for rough mornings and little time for anyone but myself. a few stacks of this weekend's laundry still sit folded on my table, waiting to be put away.

i'm trying to branch out in so many ways, but that requires changing my priorities and i'm not sure i'm quite ready to do it. so friends and family remain uncalled or emailed, movies remain unwatched, blogs remain unupdated and i feel more than scattered.

maybe i need a new lesson in time management or i should start dating that guy again b/c for now, i can only afford a post 9PM relationship.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm catching up on your blog and I feel the same way! I have these big plans to get back into music, but then, well, read your routine, rinse and repeat. Sigh.

And by the way, I went to the fucking picnic alone, thank you very much. (remember, i'm reading back posts)