Tuesday, December 04, 2007

a list

things that have been uttered, texted, or emailed to me in the last week by a man i'm just not that in to (spelling and grammar his, not mine):

  1. "i'll be right back, i have to go potty"
  2. "call me at 10 and sing me a lullaby"
  3. "hey sexy girl had fun lastnight call me"
  4. "Si si madamuaseille"
  5. "Hope ya made it to work in the love bug, ha ha ha your car is cute too."
  6. "give me a toot."
  7. "You are such a hotness. "

i know, i know completely unfair for me to air it here but some of that is damn funny. anyway, i stomached it for as long as i could but now i'm going to have to break up with him. apparently, by opening the door a teeny tiny crack, this guy decide to shove it all the way open. seriously, up until a week ago this guy was nice and wrote normal emails.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Give me a toot," and "I have to go potty"?! I'm uncomfortable. Not just personally uncomfortable, but uncomfortable for you. Ick.
