Friday, December 07, 2007

what i have to choose from

recap of an incident wherein i was (once again) reminded about the selection (or lack thereof) of men available to me:

scene: last night at the gym, me stretching post work-out, dorky guy (dg) next to me working out with cute lady trainer (clt)

CLT: "DG! Get it together tonight, why are you so distracted today? Do you need me to pretend to be an episode of Star Trek to get you to pay attention to our training session?"

DG (overly excited): "OMG! Speaking of Star Trek...there's this episode called X (ed note: he actually said the name of the episode), it's episode 15 in Season 2 (ed note: i caught this part) and it's all about how you should deal with difficult situations. So yesterday, I used those techniques in talking with my boss."

CLT: .... (ed note: crickets chirping)

Me (in my head): holy sh*t, if this is what men are using to address social situations, i'm never going to find my person.

happy friday! i'll regale you with new tales another day.


Karin said...

i think i just peed my pants a little. that was brilliant.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, yeah that episode is called The Lion's Bane and it is friggin' AWESOME.