Monday, December 10, 2007

why i should probably have just one

man, that is. in my life.

dear innernets,

in case you didn't know, i've been dating multiple people for awhile now. on most days, it's fun. on some days it freaks me out. i mean, what if, at some point, i actually have to make a choice about one of these people?

anywho, i've only dated more than one person (for any period of time) at one other point in my life and the outcome was disasterous mostly b/c i couldn't remember who i'd done what with and which conversation had been had with whom. in the end i chose one and if i remember correctly dated him for quite some time after that.

which brings us to now. this weekend, i went out with a man that i've seen quite a few times (in the spirit of full-disclosure, all of them know there are others) and i may have accidentally thought i had a conversation with this man that i actually had with another man a week ago. and this man, may or may not have called me on it, and i may or may not have been extremely embarrassed and completely skimmed over the whole thing only to wake up on sunday morning laughing and a little not-laughing at myself.

yes, innernets, i apparently have no game. i should probably just stick to one at a time.

thanks for reminding me.

xo, the link


little ms. notetaker said...

Multiple dating is so tough. It turns me into a neurotic mess--oh wait, I'm already a neurotice mess, so really it just multiplies it by infinity.

I'm so looking forward to this weekend!

little ms. notetaker said...

and I can't type...