Thursday, March 20, 2008

it was good while it lasted...

alternately titled "i'm quitting."

i've been thinking about this blog a bit lately and how it's really just turned into a recap of my dating life, mostly b/c that shizz is just funny. wonder if the fact that i find all of it to be humorous has anything to do with the fact that i'm single?

i started the online dating thing as a way to meet people last fall. oh, i've met people alright - somewhere in the ballpark of 350-400. the experience has more than paid for itself in both good and bad dates, blog fodder, crushes, etc. i've known for awhile we need to "take a break" or call it "over". and am just waiting for the latest payment period to run out.

i just checked my site for the first time in a week or more and two things made me laugh out loud.

1) a match with someone named "swade"
2) a guy who wants to communicate with me who made this statement in his profile "I have always wanted to explore hot springs with the woman I love."

i just spent 5 mins laughing at those two things which, funny as they are to me, is not really fair to either of these two fellas. so as i said, it was good while it lasted. thank goodness it's almost over.

now....i'll just have to think of something else to fill these pages with.

1 comment:

little ms. notetaker said...

You go girl! I did the same thing when my payment period came to an end... and I can't say that I miss it all that much, except for blog material, I don't know what to write about now either.