Thursday, November 16, 2006

um, hi, apparently i'm "that" girl

the votes are in and apparently i am now "that" girl, the one that you maybe don't want to take to functions where your grandmother or very conservative parents will be because i'm, um maybe sort of unpredictable and you just never know what's going to come shooting out of my mouth. ugh!

yesterday, i attended the work baby showers of two friends/colleagues and not because, but maybe a little bit because of the fact i'm neither married nor have children the following completely inappropriate things came out of my mouth (in front of women i'd never met, some i've known for a while, and some small babies):

1. "I'd totally do him!" - in response to someone mentioning that George Clooney had once again been voted the sexiest man alive.
2. "I bet the first thing you thought of was that Sex and the City episode where Samantha or someone says, 'no one needs a penis with a carrying case!'" - in response to one woman sharing why she'd decided to circumcise her child.
3. I said a few other choice things, that have currently slipped my mind (which, in the interest of full disclosure, or lack thereof, is maybe a good thing), in response to various gifts opened - egad! who am i?

However, i'd like to note that one of my dear friends (whom many of you know), also in the room made the following comment about a very large bib that was gifted. "I have a great idea why don't you dress your baby up in that humongous thing and nothing else."

Perhaps this is why we are both single and childless...


Karin said...

in my latest social faux pas at a recent family wedding (where i was, yet once again, the token single girl), i yelled "there's no one here to make out with!" loudly to my sister as the band decided at that precise moment to stop playing, making my offhand comment an alert to the entire room of guests, which included my grandmother, who is nearly deaf, but was still able to hear my exasperated comment. oops. i will always want to sit next to you at baby showers.

Anonymous said...

As a married, knocked-up lady, I'd like to just say that "'that' girls" are my favorite kind of girls, and I truly think all of your comments were completely appropriate. Baby showers (or any other get together) where people get too uptight if you talk about penises, entertainment trivia or making out with boys just aren't cool. Just in case you were wondering.