Monday, November 13, 2006

it's the same thing in any language

caveat: i just returned to the states from germany yesterday and jet lag has hit me hard and heavy, but i knew my readers were waiting....

seriously, the mating dance (literally in this case) is truly the same in any language. take this snapshot, for instance:

last week after finishing the work portion of my german excursion some colleagues and i decided to go out for a celebratory dinner. we went to a delicious french restaurant (in germany) where we drank german champagne, ate some delicious food and downed several bottles of wine. honestly, we were in a good place when we left the restaurant. after dinner we decided to meet up with some other colleagues at a nearby cuban bar for some additional beverages and i maybe had the biggest vodka soda i've ever had (think beer stein of vodka with a splash of coke) and then maybe had one more drink after that so when said colleagues suggested we go to a club to meet up with yet more colleagues, it seemed like the perfect idea. (note: i was out until nearly 5AM which has last, NEVER!)

at any rate, approximately 30 minutes after our arrival i was tearing it up on the dance floor when some german? belgian? some non-English speaking fellow starts grinding on me. and at first i'm tipsy enough to think it's pretty funny and a bit flattering, but when he reaches over to unbutton my sweater, i grab two of my guy friends and beg them to save me, because seriously, wtf?!?! throughout the entire night i cannot get rid of this guy no matter how many other men i dance with and how often i turn away from him. and at the end of the night when i'm sitting on the couch waiting for friends to close out bills and whatnot, the guy's standing there by the door with his coat on perhaps thinking that he's coming home with me. but here's the thing, he's not. and other than dancing with him at the beginning, i did nothing to give this man the impression that he would be.

a cold shoulder, a quick chat with my male colleague and some comments later and the guy finally takes off. now i realize we'd all been drinking and dancing and whatnot, but what gives men the right to assume that a few dances equals an invitation to come home?

i guess the good news is that it makes no difference where you are, some liquor and and a heavy dance beat seems to present men with the idea that they have a license to conquer women and being conquered is one thing i don't need.

i'll stand on my own thanks.


more thoughts on my german adventures to come - just as soon as these cobwebs exit my head.

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