Tuesday, February 06, 2007

you might have noticed...

that i've gone missing again. it's what i do right before i head off to a big event; i hunker down and get the job done, working a million hours in the week or so leading up to an event, it leaves little time to do anything but come home to get some sleep at night. sometimes, if you're lucky, i might write a great big post on the airplane or at some moment during my travels, but i save the good stuff for when i'm living my real life at home.

newsflash: i have one major week-long plus work commitment every month through july so you can expect one major disappearance from me every month prior to my leaving. at least now you'll know where i am when i disappear.

things to note:

  • i'll resurface next week back in pdx - after having spent last weekend without talking to a soul until arriving at the airport on sunday, this weekend holds b-day parties and girls' nights and fun (and actually a good chunk of work-like activities as well).
  • i have one free weekend in february.
  • i have to travel again soon, too soon.
  • sometimes i get homesick for my bed and my space and the me that's me when i'm at home. i don't sleep when i travel.
  • sometimes i hate the me that travels all the time. i hate that a man walked up to me today and asked about my job and then looked at my hand, said you're not married, so at least that explains why you do it. no, i do it b/c i love it and even though i sometimes hate the traveling me, the work fits me.
  • i made myself more than uncomfortable the other day when discussing (with another foodie) the increasing cost of flank steak. my comment? perhaps you should only use flank steak as your "formal meat". who says things like this? formal meat? what exactly does that mean?

i'm guessing you're used to this "me" now.

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