Tuesday, August 22, 2006

just talking...

if there's one thing i know about this blogging business it's that you have to update these things about 2-3 times a week in order to keep your readers engaged. given the fact that i only have 2 or 3 of you that i know read this thing on a regular basis i think it's even more important for me to entertain you regularly. (let's be honest if even one of you stops reading, it'll cut my readership in half and that would be detrimental to my future book sales).

here's the problem: i got nothing for you...nothing.

so today you just get to hear me talk. so i moved this weekend. my movers showed up three hours late which was a bit stressful and made me grumpy. i actually called the owner two times and told him what's what. (he didn't give me a discount on my move though and i'm pretty sure they dragged my cream colored couch in something black on purpose - jerks!) it was hot this weekend and i sweated a lot trying to set up and move my furniture all by myself - i ran over my toe with my bed which kind of hurt and i discovered that washcloths are true lifesavers when you are only one person trying to move large pieces of furniture across brand new hardwood floors.

overall my place is great, i'm settling in. a few things are annoying like the fact that the developer didn't put up towel racks and i missed that so now i have to purchase and install myself. the garbage is really inconveniently far away from my place (which i suppose isn't a bad thing) and somebody's cats were fighting during the first night i was there.

i've also learned some things about my cats. did you know cats can projectile vomit? i didn't either, but daphne my super scaredy cat freaked herself out about the move and demonstrated her skills on my brand new hardwood floors. also, my cats are afraid of my washer because it has a clear front and it's right at their eye level so they can see the clothes swirling around in there. ooooh, scary! they run by it as fast as they can.

so that's me in a nutshell...surviving.

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