Friday, August 18, 2006

what is it with guys and doctors?

seriously. what is it?

5+ years ago when things went down the proverbial drain with the other live-in boyfriend (LIB), i thought i'd never hear from him again until one day out of the blue he called me to ask if i could remember who his eye doctor was and where he was located. because seriously, those are the things that your ex-girlfriend should keep track of for you right? but the thing is, i DID remember who the eye doctor was and where he was located even though i'd never visited this doctor myself.

today the recent ex-LIB calls me to tell me he's on the way to the dentist and do i remember where it is. to his credit, we at least visited the same dentist so it wasn't that absurd, but still.

so maybe i'm the crazy one and that's my problem. you see when i have a doctor's appointment (of any type), i look up the address and verify i know how to get there before i leave my house. call me crazy...but it makes sense to me.


in other news, it's moving weekend. as long as i don't fall down and break myself further, we'll be back to our regularly scheduled programming next week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey sweety! I was just reading this and realized that I have to go to the urologist on Tuesday, you know, for another exam before I get that penis reduction procedure you talked me into, but I can’t remember the cross streets for the office. Can you help me out?