Friday, August 11, 2006

this message brought to you by...

the letter "P" and my local homeless neighbor.

today got a jump start when leslie suggested we meet at the gym at 6AM for a quick run before starting our days. i love when leslie pressures me into meeting her anywhere for a workout because once i've committed to something like that i'll never back out. so even before my alarm went off this morning, i was awake, afraid that i'd oversleep and become that person. when i go to the gym in the early morning i always scurry from my house down the street a little afraid that i'm walking and it's still kind of dark (ladies and sketchy neighborhoods and darkness don't really fit well together) and i purposefully always alter my route to go in front of the fire department. (the reason for that is two-fold. 1) for safety and 2) just in case there's a cute fireman out doing something manly).

on my way to the gym i always pass the local synagogue and the homeless man who sleeps in the doorway (he's always still sleeping at that hour). today he was just standing up, getting ready to leave his alcove to relieve himself and i completely caught him off guard. he grunted, scurried (today i love the word scurry) back to his sleeping bag and shouted a warm greeting to me. when i said hello back, we exchanged brief pleasantries and i chuckled to myself as i walked away; about how i'd interrupted my neighbor doing his "business".

things i'm thankful for - my new home (or any home for that matter) and a clean place to pee; i'd probably be grumpy if i was surprised by some lady when trying to take care of my business.

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