Tuesday, October 17, 2006

in case you were wondering...

i have not died.

i have not stopped blogging.

i don't hate my 4 readers.

i still have two legs (and arms and 10 fingers on each hand).

my car is still in one piece (as am i).

i haven't been on vacation and forgot to tell you.

my cats did not eat my face off.

i did not spontaneously combust (although i did come close a few times).

i just got pulled into the biggest work project ever last week and then needed time to recuperate.

next post is started, check back later this week.

hello world!!!


Anonymous said...

I've heard of working your hands to the bone, but man, that's some project they've got you on--growing digits! "10 fingers on each hand" is impressive! LOL!

You also might have more readers than you thought... don't know if you count me in the mix of four. :)

Welcome back to the world!

The Dater said...

apparently i'm filled with crazy and my 10 fingers on each hand do some crazy typing.

or else, i'm tired and i made a goof.