Saturday, January 06, 2007

vegas, baby

i'm in las vegas for a week - have already been here for a couple days and prior to today had nothing to report other than the fact that my laptop bag had given me a giant raspberry on my neck while standing in the 45 min. taxi line at the airport. that, and the fact that i helped accidentally push a colleagues card (that fell out of her billfold) under a machine never to be found again. in other words my work focus is helping me to behave myself in vegas.

i don't ever talk about anything real on this site and i probably never will - i spend far too much time protecting the innocent as they don't deserve the points where their lives collide with mine, aired in this public forum. i don't talk about the way things make me feel or what i really think (unless it's a good funny story, usually involving something ridiculous i've done). i won't now either.

and not to turn this into the lamest cliffhanger of all time, my dear readers, but i'm going to step back from this for a few days. i'm going to write in my real journal, the one where i do talk about the real stuff. i met up with a friend in vegas last night and the encounter left me with a lot of things to think about and work through. even though all i want to do is work through it here, it's not the right thing to do so i'm going to sign-off from here until i return to portland and am able to share the same old silly megan stories.

that's where i'll be, in my head.

but if you need a good laugh picture this: i caught my heel on some tile in the Paris hotel today and did a face plant in the middle of the casino - my backpack nearly knocked me out and the colleague i was walking with thought i was joking around b/c of something she said. only i, would really actually fall. here's another bruise for the bruise collection.

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