Friday, January 18, 2008

thoughts rattlin' in my head

  • i'm still trying to get my life back together after being gone off and on quite a lot of the last month.

  • things i need to do include: unpack and put away two suitcases, clean my house (including the bathroom), make something with all the delicious food in my fridge, catch up with friends and family, respond to all of your emails sitting in my inbox, do my actual work, pet the cat, have some fun, maybe just drink wine.

  • i'm leaving again on tuesday (so really why bother with the above?) i also have no idea why the formatting is all f'd up right here. sorry if this makes you want to poke your eyes out with dull pencils b/c it kind of does me.
  • last night in my class i encountered the guy who i thought died after high school or at least college, the guy who's always the first to finish the exam and makes a big deal about it and you don't know if he aced it or totally screwed up. it's clear these people never go away, even when i hoped that they would. i'll update you on this guy next week, he's new and he's not going anywhere.
  • i'm still a total klutz (i know this is not news to you.). current example: monday night date night. i'm excitedly showing my date a picture i'm about to share with you and somehow manage to spill an entire beer on the table (note: it was my first beer). my date laughs, says it's okay it's so you, grabs a rag from the bartender and cleans up my mess. he still kisses me goodnight - keeper?

  • i'm still relishing in that kiss and the suite i stayed in last week. (to take a phrase from camel) le sigh.

PS - i don't know why this picture is so small, it hardly does it justice. my computer is kind of a piece right now and i have no patience to figure it out. hopefully, you can get the gist.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i made a cameo in the nkh blog
happy dance