Friday, May 19, 2006

3rd Party Conversations

The original purpose of this blog was to not only deliver semi-regular updates on me and my goings on, but to provide myself (and others who comment) an open place to address the drinking of the kool-aid that seems to be so common in most places of employment these days. (That's where the title of this blog comes from - there will be no kool-aid here.) So from time to time I'll be covering off some random kool-aid induced conversation I've had recently. BTW...most of my rants relate to the use of corporate jargon which may be one of my all-time greatest pet peeves. But today? Today, I stand corrected. For the first time ever, I was introduced to a piece of corporate jargon that doesn't make my skin crawl. I'll never ever add this to my vernacular, but I love its pseudo positive note as opposed to its "tell it like it is" partner's negativity. Yesterday I was introduced to the phrase "3rd party conversations". It's a really nice way to say gossip. But where gossip sounds snarky and undermining, 3rd party sounds proactive and resourceful. For short I'll call it TPC, because why say it all when it can be abbreviated, right?

When I really think about it, I'm a TPC regular. I wouldn't call myself a gossiper, but I often seek validation for things I'm thinking or planning to do in the form of a TPC. And, isn't this blog just an outlet for the TPC. Hmmm, that's frightens me. If I'm TPCing for all the world to see and it's only 9AM, my world is going down. Next thing you know i WILL be drinking the kool-aid. In case you care, I prefer grape.

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