Thursday, April 10, 2008

the date, non-date (and other delightful tidbits)

i'm a blogging fiend this week! i don't think i have any readers left b/c i'm just as unreliable here as i am in real life, but in case you're still out there...

today's update is brought to you by the letters B and WTF. get your charts out, friends. this is an update on all the men in my life this week.

last night i went out with my friend (at least i think he's "my friend") the accountant soon to be known as WT (world traveler). accountant/ WT is doing amazing things with his life. in 2 weeks he'll be leaving his job to travel the world for 5 months! (my dream) he's going everywhere from africa to eastern AND western europe to russia to moab, utah. last night we had a date/non-date - it's unclear to me what WT's intentions are anytime that we hang out in non-group settings. last night over a couple beers and catch-up, i helped him plan his brother's bachelor party. ummm....?

on tuesday night, my adorable friend fast track (FT)/teef/etc cooked me dinner at his house. i have an interesting relationship with FT wherein, we pop into each other's lives every 6 weeks or so, hang out a few times and then promptly disappear. this has been going on for more than 7 months now, no idea what it means. tuesday night's encounter was strictly platonic even when we ended up down in his fab tv room watching beauty and the geek. me on the massage chair, FT curled up on his couch. a hug goodbye, a promise to call, another disappearance.

the hunter has unexpectedly disappeared from my life just when i decided i really wanted him in it. after a great date a couple weeks ago, the calling out of me on my stuff (we don't use foul language on this here site) and the hope of some fun times ahead, he's gone and disappeared on me. a planned date on sunday cancelled due to an unexpected friend crisis, a promise to call on monday (no call) and an unreturned text - it's hard to say if something bad has happened, he got spooked, he's disappeared or if he's giving me a dose of my own medicine. honestly, before i decided how i wanted him to be in my life, i could've cared less if he called me when promised or whenever. le sigh.

T's hanging around this week. we'll be having a musical encounter tomorrow. i'll be sure to report back on the giant! gold! watch! and will also be returning to my home (alone) immediately following the musical escapades.

the bright spot on this week is the fabulous emails from CO boy. the waiting for responses, the excitement when the "you've got mail" bit comes up, the smile that crosses my face when a random new tidbit is revealed. the emailing is easy...

and we're back to having a dating website here...knew you'd be thrilled. if i ever get around to settling down this will suddenly become a non-existent outlet.


Unknown said...

I'm still here sister!

little ms. notetaker said...

Me too!