Monday, June 26, 2006

human fry pan

I've had great intentions of posting here over the last week. Really. I have. I even have a post all worked out in my head - all that remains is relocating a photo and sitting down to write. But then yesterday happened. 102 degrees in Portland and no one here has AC. It's supposed to be even hotter today. Again, no AC. Typing a lengthy blog post is out of the question when I need to take a cold shower just so that I can climb into bed. I haven't been sleeping because it's too hot to sleep. It's too hot to do anything other than flop around moving from place to place tricking your mind into thinking one room of the house is cooler than the other. My cats are cranky, I'm cranky, it's hot.

Yesterday's only reprieve? A matinee movie and a beer and salad on a backyard patio with Rosie. It's hot!

Tomorrow I'm headed to Phoenix for the remainder of the week. My saving grace? At least they believe in AC in AZ.

1 comment:

Karin said...

hope you're finding a backyard patio in AZ - that AC sucks after awhile. hurry home so we can go to the coast!