Friday, June 09, 2006

I'm not missing, I just play the part

First off, let me apologize for not posting in a while - work has been slammed and I've been traveling most of this week. In and out of different offices and hotels with scattered internet access and busy evenings makes it difficult. However, you can rest assured that my work busy-ness has allowed me to throw around the corporate jargon like it's going out of style. My clients are getting ready to start their new fiscal year so budgets and the like have been the topic of the week. These conversations have allowed me to throw out every buzz word I know - trusted advisor, trending, cycles, etc. It's too much...At any rate, I'm staying in Seattle through Monday catching up with some friends and spending some time with my city.


Speaking of my corporate kool-aid, days of meetings and client speak has caused some of the jargon to seep into my everyday life. Last night I was having dinner with the glamourous photographer friend, Renata, and over sushi and sake I was sharing some details of the goings on in my life right now. I'm sharing some issues and say to her "I started noticing that I was trending towards a certain behavior." Renata took one random look at me and promptly said, "So you mean you have a pattern?" WTF!? The kool-aid's being drunk via osmosis!


For your Friday, thought I'd share a couple pics from the recent Sasquatch Festival - see post from a couple weeks ago.

Our mini tent city

The gang drinking some beers

Philipp and me pitching my tent

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